2007年3月30日 星期五

Lab 11: Technorati

Scobleizer http://scobleizer.wordpress.com/
Rank: 277 ( 5,365 links from 2,441 blogs)
36,459 links to this URL sorted by authority

Techcrunch http://www.techcrunch.com/
Rank: 9 ( 68,591 links from 17,249 blogs)
117,443 links to this URL sorted by authority

Reflection http://www.chieftain.idv.tw
Rank: 100,262 ( 692 links from 42 blogs)
908 links to this URL sorted by authority

Java http://javaatcycu.blogspot.com
Rank: 175,290 ( 36 links from 25 blogs)
58 links to this URL sorted by authority

my http://s9226135netblog.blogspot.com/

Rank: 2,942,156 (No blogs link here yet)
No posts link to that URL yet. Please try again later.
